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  • Writer's pictureKaty Paulson

Virtuoso Wanderlist® - How to Create YOUR Travel Plan

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Most of us have an informal travel wishlist going, making mental notes when we hear of a destination that stirs our wanderlust. Do you ever take it a step further to consider when, with who, and even why you want to go? Or how you'll make it happen?

You probably have several destinations on your list right now that would make for mesmerizing, memorable, possibly life-changing experiences for you and your family if you can find the time to plan and take them.


Reaching your travel goals (aka checking off your bucket list) takes preparation and attention. What if you approached these goals in the same way you manage your financial or health goals - with a long-term plan?

Here's what a travel plan can do for you:

  • allow you to evaluate why and with whom you want to travel (milestones, celebrations, shared hobbies or interests)

  • help you set priorities

  • consider your travel goals along with other milestones and events so you can manage your resources

  • meaningfully connect with your family and friends

  • maximize your time and money


Step 1: Begin the conversation with your family or community by asking each person to identify their goals, like relaxation, learning, connection, or exploring a passion.

Step 2: Create a wishlist of destinations and experiences with input from each person.

Step 3: Consider milestones, life events, and predictable schedules (like the school calendar). Would you like to plan a celebration trip for a special anniversary, milestone birthday, or graduation? Capture those events in your planning process.

Step 4: Consider your budget and estimate the cost of the trips on your wishlist.

Step 5: Write it down and be prepared to make adjustments. World events and favorable exchange rates are two factors that could affect your plans.

Step 6: Revisit your plan annually. "The only constant in life is change" (Google attributes that quote to Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher from 500 BCE. If it was true then, it's true now!).


Virtuoso Wanderlist is a fun, engaging tool that allows users to collect and share travel ideas with their friends and family. It's loaded with inspiration and simple to use:

Find your exclusive Wanderlist invitation here, then:

Create a Wishlist

Each member of your Wanderlist group — your partner, family or friends — will receive an email invitation with instructions for creating a travel wishlist. Lists are curated as each individual rates destinations and experiences.

Explore your Customized Travel Portal

Your Wanderlist group will each have access to their own customized travel portal. It's like Netflix for travel. Each individual can enjoy hours of inspiration and discovery whenever they want. Also available is information about seasonality, ballpark pricing, weather, and insider experiences only a Virtuoso Advisor would know.

Design Your Travel Plan

Your Wanderlist advisor will collaborate with you and your group to design a customized travel portfolio. Now, you're ready to make your travel plans a reality with those who matter most.

Fulfill Your Travel Dreams

I'll take care of all of the planning details, such as flights, lodging & tours, so you can focus on the joy and anticipation of your future travels.

I hope these ideas help you connect with your family and friends while having fun creating travel dreams and plans.

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